Advisory Services

Onsite Sales Tax Workshops

At Streamline, we provide a variety of educational seminars and training for corporations of all sizes.

These local, and state, courses help taxpayers and accounting departments accurately apply the many sales and use tax laws, regulations, interpretations, and audit methodologies to enhance business practices.

Compliance & Exposure Reviews

The experts at Streamline review and align all reports to reduce possible penalties and interest.

Being able to identify potential exposures will ensure compliance. Streamline aims to minimize the possible risks that might come up in a Sales Tax Audit Assessment.  

Energy Consulting Services

To better manage electric costs for the long term, our energy consulting services will help you address your energy needs.

We provide a wide range of larger retail electric providers, and a variety of rate plans: fixed-rate, MCPE, Heat Rate, block, hybrid, and others.

We can also assist with:

  • Maximizing energy savings at no cost
  • Detailed, thorough energy audits
  • Analysis of thermal energy storage
  • Reviews of demand-side management
  • Audits of utility bills
  • Forecasting of annual budgets
  • Negotiations of energy contracts
  • Analysis of HVAC energy use
  • Tax-exemption certificates
  • Correction of power factors
  • Predominant use studies

Peak Load Audits

The experts at Streamline are able to determine the lowest possible tax rates by carefully reviewing the best rate plan, multiple meter issues, the reasonability of demand (Kw) readings, possible meter inaccuracies, and many other issues.

Electric companies typically have a variety of rate structures that are often not clear and can be misleading.

Predominant Use Studies

A predominant use study is required for a facility to qualify for state and local sales tax exemption regarding electricity and natural gas billings.

Possible scenarios for this study:

  • In a manufacturing operation, this study determines the percentage of electricity/natural gas consumed directly for manufacturing (versus the facility’s total usage).
  • For nursing homes and other residential facilities, this study determines the utility usage for residential purposes versus the facility’s total usage.
  • When a monthly bill from an electricity/natural gas provider has a sales tax of $50 or more.
  • An existing/new facility undergoes qualification for energy tax exemptions.
  • An energy tax exempt business is acquired by new owners (or relocated).
  • A facility owner does not have access to the original energy tax exempt study (during an audit, or otherwise).
  • An existing tax-exempt operation is expanded.
  • Or, when switching to a new energy provider.

Utility Exemption Studies

A growing number of clients turn to Streamline for exemptions that are often overlooked.

Our expertise and extensive research capabilities are used to determine the taxable classification of each item listed in the study, as we explore all possible issues.

Our services include: regular updates and determination of credits, audit defense, exemption claims to the utility vendor or taxing authority, refund claims, compliance reviews, studies or documentation; corporate tax libraries of documentation; flexible fees; replication of archived client studies; letter rulings requests; tax research, and more.

For more information on Streamline’s utility exemption studies, contact us at (972) 838-1900.

Strategic Planning

At Streamline, we help organizations develop strategic visions, action plans, and timelines for their internal audit and risk management functions.

Our team of tax experts craft step-by-step action plans to ensure nothing is missed.