Other factors for determining approval
- The person conducting the audit’s knowledge of audit procedures and Texas sales tax
- History of compliance
- No outstanding liabilities
- Ability to conduct audit efficiently (your team qualifications)
- Record availability
- Prior audit did not end via settlement agreement
- Taxpayer’s ability to pay final assessment
- Current bankruptcy: Ineligible
- Taxpayer must be permitted for all tax years covered within the audit periods
Once you submit your request for entry into the program, one of two things will happen. They state could flat deny the request. I would not give up yet and depending on who you’ve hired to perform the audit, there’s a possibility this person might have some pull to get you approved. Secondly, it has been my experience that you do not get a congratulatory letter signifying your approval. Typically, you get a response similar to,
“We received your request and let’s talk about this on the phone two weeks from this next Tuesday.”
This response signifies that they are considering approval, so you better have your tax consultant picked out at that point, because they need to be fielding those “approval” questions. This call also could serve as the entrance conference where you will discuss and plan how the managed audit will be conducted. If samples will be conducted, the taxpayer will be given 45 business days to submit all necessary electronic data for the auditor to verify that the data is complete and accurate. Once the data is deemed reliable, the taxpayer must submit the following forms and information within 10 business days:
- Signed managed audit agreement
- Your personalized audit plan describing the audit procedures for each area of the audit
- Addressing the refund issues in advance
- Addressing areas to be excluded from the agreement should also be identified
- Your personalized timeline outlining prescribed audit activities and completion dates
- Statue waiver extending statue 90 days beyond timeline completion date
The managed audit package should be provided to the auditor. Once approved at the office level, the package will be forwarded to audit headquarters for signature. If the taxpayer is unable to submit all the information within the 45 day period, an extension may be requested for extenuating circumstances to the field office manager.
The intent of this program is to reduce the time it takes to complete an audit. Once the managed audit agreement has been accepted and signed, both parties work diligently to meet the managed audit timelines. If the timeline changes, after discussing this with the auditor and agreeing to new timelines, the taxpayer is required to update them. If an extension of the completion date is needed, it must be approved by the local audit office manager. Failure to comply with the audit timeline may result in the assessment of interest and denial of credit interest from the date the audit should have been completed. Further failure to abide by a reasonable timeline may result in the assessment of interest and denial of all credit interests for the audit; In some cases, the managed audit agreement may be revoked.